Tuesday, July 17, 2012

5 things I learned about the Sandbox folder structure

  1. Everything, like sounds, particles, etc. are in the pak files in the "Game" folder. And you can open it with WinRAR, WinZIP, etc., and extract and use them.
  2. Debug unexplainable crashes through the dump and log files.
  3. Exporting external plugins: Photoshop: Bin32> Copy and paste 'zlib1.dll', 'jpeg62.dll', and 'libtiff3.dll' into root folder of Photoshop > Go to "tools" in CryEngine folder > Copy and paste 'CryTIFPluginCS4_11_64' into root folder of Photoshop.
  4. CryMax tools: Type letter of drive where you have the program (eg. 3ds max), and it will install it for you.
  5. SettingsMgr.exe must be set up correctly when installing external plugins

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